Monday, July 25, 2011

Motivational Monday: Abraham - From One to Many.

I had planned on starting a challenge to myself today to blog for 30 days straight!  I figured I'd start with "Motivational Mondays" as most people seem to need motivation to face another week ahead.
Wouldn't you know it?  I have been completely unmotivated this morning!  This is the first day in a very long time that I haven't felt like even planning on doing anything.  I wasn't motivated to rise when the alarm went off, but I finally did.  I wasn't motivated to get on the treadmill, hit the heavy bag, or do upper body strength training this morning, but I did.  I hoped a good rush of endorphins would kick that feeling right out of me.  But still, nothing...

But then, something occurred to me.  This was also the first morning in a very long time that I didn't take the time for my Quiet Time, first thing in the morning.  (I slept in late - remember the alarm?)  It couldn't be that simple, could it??  So I did sit down, read today's passages, and talk/listen with God.  I discovered something.  I am not feeling motivated because I am feeling overwhelmed!  There are so many things I have on my to do list; so many things I want to accomplish and every now and then I feel paralyzed.  I am not unmotivated - I just don't know where to begin & what to prioritize.  I can't do it all.
That's just where God wanted me today - to say, "I can't do it.  I don't know where to start. Take over for me!"  I always make plans, feel overwhelmed about making them happen & then invite God along for the ride.  And I am sure He laughs!  Then I read Isaiah 51:2b, "Abraham was only one man when I called him.  But when I blessed him, he became a great nation." (NLT) I am feeling like I need to be an entire nation to get everything done, yet I am only one person.  Yet with God, one person can do amazing things!  If I simply rely on God, and focus on His plans - through Him everything will get done to His glory!  My focus isn't to be on the to-do list or my grand plans, but for what He has for me to do.  Abraham responded to God's (very different) plans and was blessed beyond measure.  Can I say that about my life?
I am so glad that I took time to get that priority right.  No more skipping the QT because I'm in a hurry! Now, I'm motivated to face not just today but the rest of this week - I am not doing anything in my power, but through HisI will focus on His plans for me and I have a feeling everything else will work itself out!  
It's going to be an amazing week!

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